Tragedy Tracks

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Each Tragedy Track is a unique, custom-crafted composition designed specifically for the individual whose story inspired it. Written with precision and care, these tracks capture the essence of each person’s journey, offering a sonic portrait of their triumphs, struggles, and inner strength. Dive into these one-of-a-kind soundscapes, where every note tells a story, and every track resonates with authenticity and emotion.

"The Widow Maker: UFC Star Kelvin Gastelum’s Battle Cry on a Mission for Gold" 🎧 Now streaming on Spotify

“Mindful Funk: Empowering Groove for Women in Business” Inspired by Aliza Sherman 🎧 Now streaming on Spotify

The Power of Love and Wrestling: Ellie Neidhart’s Tribute to a WWE Legend 🎧 Now streaming on Spotify

“Butterfly Words – The Voice and Vision of LGBTQ+ Author Zelda Khan” 🎧 Now streaming on Spotify

"The Rolling Dragon: Ben Dykstra’s Unstoppable Journey with Cerebral Palsy" 🎧 Now streaming on Spotify

"The Greek Chorus: Max Eric Lemberger’s Timeless Journey to Fulfill a Lifelong Dream" 🎧 Now streaming on Spotify

“Decoding The Matrix: Dr. Vic Manzo’s Transformative Journey from Business to Mindset Mastery” 🎧 Now streaming on Spotify

“Questionable Behavior: Edison Jakupi’s Rise from Kosovan Refugee to Inspiring Creative Force”

“A Cup of Love: Influencer Bruce Wayne Brackett’s Journey from Struggle to LGBTQ Inspiration”

“Don’t Be an @$$hole: A Bold Sonic Reflection Inspired by Yogi Amrit Singh’s Journey”

"Life’s Ladder: Alex Pacheco’s Journey from Gymnastics to Firefighting Triumph"

"Leap of Faith: Inside the Thrilling World of Pro Skydiver Mike Talerico"

"The Russian Hammer: Bare-Knuckle Champion Turned Businessman, Artem Lobov’s Next Chapter"

“Good Times: UFC Fighter Pearl Gonzales’ Heartfelt Homecoming”

"Moya Moya Fighter: The Resilience of UFC Fighter Vince Murdock"

"Down Under the Stars: Damien Boath’s Fascination with the Cosmos"

"Think Unbroken: Michael Unbroken’s Path from Trauma to Triumph"

"If I Only had the Shoes" (Air Jordans) Gary DeFranco Max Glow Media Owner of the "Shoedio"

Listen on Spotify
UFC Kelvin Gastelum
"The Widowmaker"

  • Power and Resilience: This track embodies Kelvin's journey in mixed martial arts, highlighting his determination and unyielding courage.
  • Intense Soundscape: Features driving beats, aggressive rhythms, and electrifying guitar riffs, mirroring his fierce battles in the octagon.
  • A Warrior's Spirit: An ode to overcoming adversity and pushing limits, capturing the essence of a legendary athlete.
Ellie Neidhart
"The Power of Love and Wrestling"
  • Emotional Journey: A track dedicated to Ellie Neidhart, reflecting her rich life intertwined with the legacy of professional wrestling.
  • Heartfelt Melodies: Blends gentle piano themes and stirring string sections to depict love, strength, and determination.
  • Legacy and Resilience: Honors the deep bonds of family and Ellie’s unwavering spirit in wrestling.
Iden Crockett

  • Celebration of Identity: Inspired by Iden, an LGBTQ rising artist, this track captures the journey of self-discovery and artistic expression.
  • Emotional Soundscape: Features contemplative piano chords, vibrant electronic elements, and rhythmic percussion, reflecting the complexities of transition.
  • Courage and Authenticity: A sonic narrative celebrating the beauty and bravery of embracing one’s true self.